
Pippa Fern

Species: Arborling

Pronouns: They/Them

Occupation: Owner of Pippa's Pets

Bio: Pippa started their small pet shop in Cafe Central on accident! Initially, they only planned to buy up a space large enough to host all of their beloved pets, but eventually, they discovered their uncanny ability to match up Midveilers with their perfect companions. Though they do their best to stay strong, Pippa can't help but get a little teary when parting ways with a pet. They spend a majority of their time playing with their menagerie, and have a bad habit of not locking their cages at night. After all, the pets just look so sad when they're trapped like that! Pippa no longer lives in their pet shop, and instead has moved in with their husband, Bisque. They take turns taking specific pets home with them to Bisque's, but their Pixie Sprite is ALWAYS by their side!