
M1183: Pile of Feathers


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Mischief! Little guy who is up to no good! But also is sorta freaked OUT by things happening around him sometimes but surely its no big deal its FINE, right. Right. Anyways yeah no surely there's nothing wrong. He's just chilling with his best friend (, cooing at birds, and living life to the fullest.


Owner: arborescreens

Obtained: Trade

Designer: arborescreens

Artist: arborescreens

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Not Currently Listed

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Available Mana: 5

Magic Status:

Enchantment (Level 0)


Species: Jollybean

Theme: Pile of Feathers, Snowglobe

Variant: Companion

Ears: Velvet, companion rarity

Tail: Comet, companion rarity

Wings: Daydreamer, companion rarity

Coverage: Partial/Shaped, companion rarity

Mutation: Glass Body, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Sparkling Halo, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Seraphim Tail, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Glowing Innards, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Plant Growth, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Glyphic or Blackout Eyes, exclusive rarity

Alternate Form



No stabled mounts

Trade History

From UserTo UserMethodDate
krembearry arborescreens Trade 2023-10-09 19:45:20

Catalogued Design

No catalogued design